1st-Year Syllabus for MBBS
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Introduction to human anatomy
Histology and microscopic anatomy
Gross anatomy of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and cardiovascular system
Embryology: Development of organ systems
Cadaveric dissection sessions
Cellular physiology and membrane transport
Neurophysiology: Nervous system function
Cardiovascular physiology: Cardiac output, blood pressure regulation
Respiratory physiology: Gas exchange, ventilation
Renal physiology: Kidney function, urine formation.
Biomolecules: Structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids
Enzymes and enzyme kinetics
Metabolism: Carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, amino acid metabolism
Bioenergetics and metabolism regulation
Molecular biology and genetics
Professional Development
Introduction to medical ethics and professionalism
Communication skills: Patient interaction, history-taking, and rapport-building
Introduction to medical literature and evidence-based practice
Introduction to medical jurisprudence and healthcare laws
Introduction to medical informatics and digital healthcare tools
Introduction to microbiology and microbial diversity
Bacteriology: Classification, structure, and function of bacteria
Virology: Classification, structure, and replication of viruses
Parasitology: Classification and life cycles of parasites
Mycology: Fungal structure, classification, and pathogenesis